Welcome to my virtual home!

Let’s drink virtual coffee and have a meaningful conversation in this nice, quiet morning. You know, a heart-to-heart connection.

I feel compelled to share some experiences and the lessons learned during the 39 years of my wondering in this world.

Please be patient with my grammar, I am overcoming my shyness about my English and hoping to improve with every post.

***Para español visita el canal de Youtube: cafecitovirtual***

Jan 3, 2011

Do you dare to dream?

I am not wealthy, but I feel very abundant.  My economic circumstances are way different than they were when I was born. I am proud of my parents because they are hard workers. They taught me integrity, honesty and self discipline as main values. My mother is a very positive person and taught me also the power of hope. When a child I used to spend so many hours day-dreaming with a better world for me, my family an my community. Probably it worked in some ways.
I dreamed of a house with a complete roof, with electricity, a TV, a normal toilet. . . you know this kind of toilets that you can flush the water. Aaah!. . .  I remember how much I cried when I needed to wash my clothes by hand at age of 17 and running water was a luxury. Therefore, my dream for my family was a refrigerator, a washing machine or a normal living room.  No, I am not 100 years old as you may be thinking now. I am only 39 but still some parts of Mexico and many other countries struggle to have the things that we take for granted in the USA.
In my twenties, I learned that hard work is very important but having clear goals is indispensable. I found a small book called Visualizacion Creativa (creative visualization). This book was a easy step by step guide about how to manifest abundance and blessings. According to this book our brain works with images rather than words. If you put the same images over and over, the brain will look for it out in the world.
Well, I made my personal ritual to do a vision board (collage) that appears in front of my eyes every morning. Every January 1st, since 1995, I light candles make a prayer or meditation and ask for blessings in my year. I get several images from old magazines and put together into a new collage. I am getting better at it. I worked with clients who wanted to do it. I worked with groups or just my dear friends who want to explore vision boards. And if nobody wants to join me, I do not care because it is about my year, and my blessings.
As the years passed, I learned to have a lot of respect for the images I put there. Most likely I will get what I am asking for and this can be scary. For instance, I remember one year that I put a woman traveling in high heels. This was the year that I got several presentations in other cities and I needed to travel. . . in business clothing and high heels! I can tell you, it was exhausting. Other year I put a lot of couples with children in kindergarden age, well, I got married and got a four year old stepson.
I could share so many examples, most of them wonderful miracles. The point is that dreaming is important, making them visible is important also. Overall, taking the lead in shaping our life is a very effective way of not only working hard but telling the intuition, the universe or God what we need and how we need it so they can help. Trust me, they do help!

I wish you a 2011 full of wonderful images and. . .  dreams that transform into realities.

P.S: This is the link to the book in spanish:

1 comment:

  1. Hola Carmen,

    Me llamo Michelle y soy una amiga de Ana G. Me encanta todo lo que estas compartiendo aqui y en sus videos. No he parado de pensar en lo que dijistes de las tinas de una hora.

    La verdad sus palabras me ayudan bastante. Gracias-se lo agradezco un monton.

    Ojala podemos tomarnos un cafecito algun dia con Ana para compartir todo lo que tenemos en comun.

    Te Mando Abrazos Hermana,
